Bronson Boulevard will be resurfaced in 2024 or 2025. This work provides an opportunity to redesign the curb-to-curb space of Bronson Boulevard to better align with our Complete Streets policy and Street Design Manual. This is a process used on other City projects like, Parkview Avenue, where the primary focus of the work was on replacing aging water infrastructure but also provided an opportunity to resurface and reconfigure the street to align with our Street Design Manual.
According to the City of Kalamazoo Street Design Manual, Bronson Boulevard from Peeler St to Kilgore Avenue is considered an Enhanced Neighborhood Street with design facilities meant to accommodate modest amounts of traffic at slower speeds and a high priority on pedestrian, bicyclist, and curbside facilities.
The work area will be from Kilgore to Crosstown Parkway. The work will take place within the curb-to-curb area along Bronson Boulevard and not affect the Right of Way. The Right of Way (including Street Trees and Sidewalk) will not be affected by this project and will not be shown in final designs.
Bronson Boulevard currently has wide lanes (17 - 18ft) and has a signed bike route. 10 - 11 foot lanes are a standard layout in our Street Design Manual to help calm traffic and have been effective in helping reduce vehicle speeds (Greenleaf Boulevard, Winchell Avenue are examples). 10 - 11ft lane for two vehicle travel lanes will total 20-22ft. The curb-to-curb space along Bronson Boulevard is 40ft, leaving 18 - 20ft not used for the travel lanes to reimagine Bronson Boulevard which is why community engagement was needed!
A Streets Open House was held on October 24th at the Maple Street YMCA. This event was marketed by distributing 400+ door hangers to properties along Bronson Boulevard and sharing via Social Media. Nearly 100 residents participated in this event and provided feedback and provided updates on other projects like the Whites Rd Road Diet and Inkster Bridge. Before this work begins, the Whites Rd Road Diet (2023) and the reconstruction of Inkster Bridge (2024) will occur.
Staff are still reviewing feedback which will help inform a final design. No final designs have been created yet. The online survey shows cross-sections to help facilitate feedback from residents and are illustrative and do not represent a final design.
Full Street Design Manual map can be found here
Work will include:
Mill and Resurfacing (This is primarily a resurfacing project)
Right-sizing vehicle travel lanes to 10 – 11ft
Bike facilities
and could include:
on-street parking (when and where appropriate)
Not included at this time:
There will be no impacts to street trees, sidewalk, or slopes during the resurfacing of Bronson Boulevard.
Anthony Ladd, Assistant Director Public Works Division
George Warring, Senior Civil Engineer
Resurface Bronson Boulevard from curb-to-curb, repaint and gather feedback on which facilities residents value along Bronson (on-street parking, bike facilities). This will include right-sizing vehicle travel lanes from the current 17 - 18ft wide lanes to 10-11ft lanes.
SCHEDULE (subject to change):
Fall 2022 – Community engagement and feedback on the redesign of Bronson Boulevard. An upcoming engagement opportunity will be:
October 24th at the Maple Street YMCA Community Room
7 - 8:30pm
2023 – Redesign of Bronson Boulevard begins utilizing input from community engagement.
2024/2025 - Work begins
Kilgore to Whites tentatively in 2024
Whites to Crosstown tentatively in 2025
Public Services
Community Planning and Economic Development
Complete Streets Policy, Street Design Manual, Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 Master Plan
Resurface Bronson Boulevard to improve the street condition from Kilgore to Crosstown and explore traffic calming to better align with the Complete Street Policy and Street Design Manual as well as the neighborhood context, and be safer for all users.
Connected City, Complete Neighborhoods,
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