The following goals encompass transportation, development at the Downtown and neighborhood level, and policies that change the way that business is done. Actions address how quality of life, shared prosperity, and continuous engagement will be advanced throughout the City. These actions will help to shape the City’s urban form, supporting improved walkability and bike-ability within an equitable and accessible urban environment.
Each goal includes a set of corresponding action items that will be the focus of a project work plan. The details of the action items published - lead, partners, timelines, funding, and metrics are a starting point for engagement. It is the City’s core practice to engage the community throughout the life of each of the action items.
The City of Kalamazoo and our partners are invested in the following projects which residents and other stakeholders named important throughout the Imagine Kalamazoo process. Below are details on specific projects, for updates or more information please contact the Project Manager.
The City of Kalamazoo and the West Main Hill Neighborhood Associations are working together to engage residents and create a neighborhood plan. We are looking for residents to join us and get involved!
The City of Kalamazoo and the Westwood Neighborhood Association are working together to engage residents and create a neighborhood plan. We are looking for Westwood residents to join us and get involved!
A project to update the zoning ordinance for commercial districts and related standards, such as sign, landscaping, lighting, and design standards.
In 2022, the Stuart Neighborhood re-engaged with the City of Kalamazoo with the goal of creating a Neighborhood Plan. Check out the Draft Neighborhood Plan now!
Community input is sought to prioritize intersection improvements and inform design decisions to calm traffic on Westnedge Avenue and Park Street.
A project to redesign several major streets in Kalamazoo to create a street network that meets the needs of the community, promotes safe transportation for all modes, and fosters more vibrant public places.
The City is in the process of updating its Historic Standards and Guidelines to ensure they align with the Vision of Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 while providing guidance on historic character.
Projects to improve non-motorized connectivity and traffic safety in the Oakland/Winchell neighborhood.
A project which aims to extend the public space near Jones Park for the entire neighborhood to enjoy.
Inventory Kalamazoo 2022 is a reconnaissance level history resource survey that photographs and documents the existing condition of structures made by people (houses, schools, stores, gas stations, parks). Every resource of any age within the City will be documented from the public right of way.
FREE container gardening course offered in the Eastside, Oakwood, Edison, and Vine neighborhoods in collaboration with Kalamazoo Valley Community College and Community Planning and Economic Development staff.
We are looking for Southside residents to join us and get involved in neighborhood planning!
We are looking for Westnedge Hill residents interested in helping create a new neighborhood association to join us and get involved! Be sure to take the survey below!
The City of Kalamazoo and the Douglas, Stuart, and West Main Hill Neighborhood Associations are working together to engage residents and create a combined neighborhood plan. We are looking for residents to join us and get involved!
We are exploring traffic calming measures in the Northside neighborhood to help address speeding.
A design project for Oakwood Memorial Beach was chosen as one of the first projects for implementing the Oakwood Neighborhood Plan 2019. This project provides the opportunity to work towards several actions in the neighborhood plan.
The 501 Launch is a request for proposals (RFP) to redevelop a brownfield site in Kalamazoo’s Northside neighborhood at 501 N Westnedge Ave in a way that is consistent with the community vision.
Kzoo Parks is partnering with a local invasive species management group to recruit volunteers and remove invasive weeds in Spring Valley Park, with the goal of expanding to other parks in Kalamazoo.
During Imagine Vine neighborhood planning, both homeowners and renters in Vine told us about how the current parking regulations in the neighborhood were confusing and that there was a need for more overnight parking options.
From August of 2023 through the fall of 2024, the city will be leading a public participatory design process to create beautiful, inviting, and functional public spaces downtown.
In 2022, the Stuart Neighborhood re-engaged with the City of Kalamazoo with the goal of creating a Neighborhood Plan. Check out the Draft Neighborhood Plan now!
Projects to improve non-motorized connectivity and traffic safety in the Oakland/Winchell neighborhood.
FREE container gardening course offered in the Eastside, Oakwood, Edison, and Vine neighborhoods in collaboration with Kalamazoo Valley Community College and Community Planning and Economic Development staff.
A project aimed at reducing speeds through the Oakland Drive Winchell Neighborhood looks to calm traffic on Winchell Avenue.
During the Parkview Hills Neighborhood Planning process, one of the greatest concerns by residents was the width and high speeds of Greenleaf Boulevard, the main entrance to the neighborhood association.
A comprehensive plan encompassing over 80+ actions, 29 strategies, and 10 goals to create a stronger, more resilient Kalamazoo. The plan focuses on four main chapters: 1. Accessible Complete Network, 2. Affordable Efficient City, 3. Healthy Prepared Community, and 4. Green Circular Economy. These visions are the foundation of the plan.
Stadium Drive will be reconstructed in 2022 from Howard to Lovell. The project will improve the roadway and make a number of improvements for pedestrians and non-motorized users.
In Phase 2 of this project, city staff, NFP Review Board, and partners are evaluating the current overlay district and mapping existing natural features throughout the City. The goal is to align the overlay district with areas where natural features are known to exist using spatial data and GIS analysis.
In 2021, the City of Kalamazoo will continue investing in safety and walkability in neighborhoods.
More than 40 projects are planned for 2021 that will make our streets safer, improve pedestrian infrastructure, resurface roadways, and upgrade our utility systems.
The City of Kalamazoo is working to update its Zoning Ordinance to align development regulations with the 2025 Master Plan, particularly with Neighborhood Plans. This project is focusing on a review of the Manufacturing Zoning (M1) located in the east end of the Northside Neighborhood, generally South of Paterson, West of Walbridge, North of Frank, and West of Edwards.
A project to update the zoning map in the East Main and East Michigan corridor area with the intent to remove barriers to infill and rehab development that supports the neighborhood vision.
We are exploring composting as a way to help reduce food waste in landfills, starting with a pilot project in the Vine neighborhood.
A coordinated construction project to improve water infrastructure, repave Oakland Drive, and improve nonmotorized transportation between Howard Street and Parkview Avenue.
On May 18, 2020, the Kalamazoo City Commission approved zoning, licensing, and social equity components to permit adult use marihuana in the city. Ordinances will take effect on May 28, 2020.
Increasing public art and improving bicycling in the Vine Neighborhood rose as clear priorities during the Imagine Vine planning process. To help begin to achieve these goals the City of Kalamazoo and Vine Neighborhood Association partnered on a series of small-scale projects.
This summer the City of Kalamazoo will be removing sediment from Pond 1 at the Crosstown Ponds as well as inspecting and cleaning the Axtell Creek Culverts.
As part of implementation for the neighborhood plan, the Vine Neighborhood Association decided to install murals on their building at the corner of Vine and Westnedge. Two local artists were identified to paint the murals.
One action listed in the Oakwood Neighborhood Plan was to “Install Signage that makes the center more visible to visitors and residents”.
As part of implementation for the Edison Neighborhood Plan, a mural was installed in Washington Square on the Howard’s Party Store building that depicts the history of Washington Square.
The vision of the Natural Features Protection Ordinance is to achieve the long term protection of Natural Feature areas for such ends as public enjoyment and environmental health.
The Northside Neighborhood Plan led by the Northside Association for Community Development (NACD) was adopted by the Planning Commission on August 2nd 2018. One strategy of the plan focuses on strengthening the existing Northside Cultural Business District (NCBD) through the creation of a Northside Cultural Business District Authority (NCBDA).
To realize the vision of the Northside Neighborhood Plan and the City’s Master Plan, several zoning changes are proposed including areas along Westnedge Avenue, Ransom Street, North Street, Burdick Street, and Paterson Street. For exact locations, refer to the proposed zoning changes map and table organized by property address.
The Downtown Parking Study was conducted in an effort to better understand ways in which more affordable and well located parking can be brought to downtown Kalamazoo.
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