The City of Kalamazoo’s Parks and Recreation Department, Kzoo Parks, will be partnering with the Coordinator of the Barry-Calhoun-Kalamazoo Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (BCK CISMA) to expand and improve invasive species identification and management practices in Kalamazoo’s Spring Valley Park. The goal of this project is to remove existing invasive weed species and control their spread in public recreation areas by starting in this one park and creating a replicable model to expand into other Kalamazoo parks and greenspaces.
Why is it important to remove invasive plants and reintroducing native plants?
By removing the invasive plants and reintroducing native plants, we are helping to restore the natural balance of native flora and fauna. Ecologically, invasive plants thrive in the native ecosystem decreasing the native flora habitat. In turn, this eliminates the native food sources for birds, pollinators, and insects. See photos below of native plants we are bringing back to the region, Senna hebecarpa and Asclepias tuberosa.
Launch a pilot project in Spring Valley Park (2021)
We will be hosting volunteer days in 2021. Stay tuned for dates or complete the form below to be notified when dates are posted. We will be practicing safety guidelines from the State of Michigan and the CDC when volunteer days are determined.
Create a replicable model from the pilot project
Expand this work into other Kalamazoo parks and greenspaces
Kzoo Parks, Barry-Calhoun-Kalamazoo Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (BCK CISMA), Resident Volunteers