Inventory Kalamazoo 2022 is a reconnaissance level historic resource survey that photographs and documents the condition of man-made structures.
Every resource of any age within the City will be documented from the public right of way. Garages and outbuildings will be documented only if they are visible from the public right of way. The City Assessor’s office estimates there are approximately 24,000 resources in the built environment of Kalamazoo. There have been 15 historic surveys in the last 45 years, the last reconnaissance level survey took place from 1999 to 2001.
Volunteers will work in pairs to collect data in person for each structure. Using tablets and smartphones they will verify the address, take at least 3 photos of the building, and enter the condition of the sidewalk.. After the field data is collected, qualified historians will review and analyze the data using the city Geographic Information System (GIS) and aerials along with Google Maps and Street View as needed. The historians will review and analyze the architectural style, date of construction, roof shape & materials, porches, siding materials, condition, outbuildings, and historic integrity.
Reports & Results
Once the surveying is complete for each neighborhood, a neighborhood report will be created that includes the neighborhood’s history, boundaries, & map, a list of existing designated historic resources, a discussion of context & influences (industrial, agricultural, education, commercial, horse racing, etc), and the results of the field work. Once all of the neighborhood reports have been completed, they will be compiled into a final City report along with information on the survey design, intent, & findings, an overview of Kalamazoo history, as well as conclusions & recommendations.
How to Get Involved
Looking for a way to get your steps in and enjoy new or familiar parts of the City? Sign up to be a surveyor!
If you are interested in volunteering please review the training presentation Field Instructions and fill out the form below.
We will be in touch to determine your assignment and get the volunteer materials (backpack, informational letters, etc.) to you.
Luis Pena, Historic Preservation Coordinator,
Implementing the 2025 Master Plan – 2025 Master Plan Action: “Complete a historic building and resources survey to understand existing conditions and for the consideration of new Historic District or Conservation District designations”
Obtaining a baseline of data for the future and to facilitate consideration of historic resources, both designated and potential into city decision making and reviewing federally funded projects.
Fulfilling obligations as a Certified Local Government (CLG) - CLG, Basic Requirement #3 is: A local government shall “Maintain a system for the survey and inventory of historic resources.” Status as a CLG allows the city to apply for grants from the Historic Preservation Fund. Kalamazoo has been awarded five grants since 2001.
Fulfilling obligations with state and federal historic preservation offices - To fulfill the city’s obligation under the 2016 Programmatic Agreement with the State Historic Preservation Office and the federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation - The 2016 Programmatic Agreement states: “It is the City of Kalamazoo’s responsibility under Section 106 (36 CFR § 800.4(b)) to identify historic properties within the area of potential effects for projects undertaken under this Agreement. The city also recognizes historic preservation of resources as an important component of city planning. To accomplish this responsibility under Section 106 and to create a comprehensive and flexible tool for planning, the City shall provide funding for and complete the survey activities.”
Qualified 36 CFR 61 historians
Community Planning & Economic Development, Information Technology
Qualified 36 CFR 61 historians
Complete an inventory of the structures within the City of Kalamazoo.
Number of volunteers, Number of structures surveyed
Edison Historic Survey
The City has been awarded a Certified Local Government Grant to complete a reconnaissance level historic resource survey that will document all the buildings in the Edison neighborhood that are over 40 years old. The work has been completed and draft reports are being reviewed. Learn more about the Edison Historic Survey by reviewing the town hall recording below.