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myCity Y.O.U. is a summer career exploration program offering paid work experience for City of Kalamazoo youth, ages 14-21 years old. This program is offered from June - August and is housed throughout the City of Kalamazoo in businesses, parks, and on campus.


Eric Stewart, Director Kalamazoo Resa,


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  • Career pathway development for each participant that identifies individual passions and creates a plan to get from where they are to where they want to go

  • Career exploration offering in-depth look at careers/industries in the local labor market

  • Paid work experience designed to have youth live the world of work first hand

  • Employability skills development teaching youth about resumes, interviewing, networking and other critical skills

  • Career training offering credentials in culinary arts, auto technician, CNA, early childhood education, and welding

  • Financial literacy instruction that teaches critical aspects of savings, debt, and investing

  • Engagement of youth that offers enriching, safe experiences during the summer months


  • December - planning meetings begin

  • January - start meeting with training providers, finalize program timeline

  • February - focus on outreach to potential applicants and work site partners, application opens

  • March - begin application review, begin work site trainings, continue outreach for more

  • April - application closes, trainings continue, notify applicants selected

  • May - begin job placements, begin work experience orientations, finalize staffing

  • June - August - Program operation

  • September - closeout budget, final report, report out


Alma Powell Library, Benefit Twice, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club, Bravo Restaurant & Café, Child Care Resources, Crosstown Parkway Senior Community, Douglass Community Association, Duncan Aviation, Eastside Neighborhood Association, Eastwood Public Library, Edison Neighborhood Association, FIRE, Flowserve, Friendship Village, Getman Corporation, Goodwill, Greenleaf Hospitality, International Profyle Barber Shop, Kalamazoo Deacons Conference, Kalamazoo Drop-In Childcare, Kalamazoo Gospel Mission, Kalamazoo Public Library - Teen Center, Kalamazoo Public Schools, Kalamazoo RESA, Kellogg Community College RMTC, KVCC Early College Camp, KVCC Food Innovation Center, Mangia Mangia, Michigan Career and Technical Institute, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Michigan Works! Southwest, Mill Park Apartments & Townhomes, Millennium Restaurant Group, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Northside Association for Community Development, New Genesis, New Village, Oakwood Neighborhood Association, Old Dog Tavern, Open Roads, Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 357, Rickman House, Salvation Army, Senior Services, Threads Church, Van Buren Technology Center, Vine Neighborhood Association, Wenke’s Greenhouse, Western Michigan University, YWCA


Parks and Recreation


Kalamazoo RESA


Shared Prosperity, Imagine Kalamazoo 2025


To accept all City of Kalamazoo applicants that want to be a part of this life changing summer program. Provide unique hands-on experiences for the youth that partake in this summer program, leading to future jobs or experience that can help guide future interests.


Youth Development, Shared Prosperity, Complete Neighborhood, Strength Through Diversity, Inviting Public Spaces, Safe Community, Economic Vitality     


unique participants, demographic, hours worked, career training hours, SEL Assessments results


Dollars and Staff Time