This project was completed in October 2020. This project included:
New water main
All lead water services replaced
Repaired sidewalks
Improved pedestrian features, including a pedestrian island at Maple Street and a new crosswalk at Chevy Chase
New pavement
A coordinated construction project to improve water infrastructure, repave Oakland Drive, and improve nonmotorized transportation between Howard Street and Parkview Avenue. In 2019 all lead service lines were replaced and crosswalk signs were installed. In 2020, the Oakland Drive Project will be completed with water main replacement and repaving as well as pedestrian infrastructure and bike lane improvements.
Through this project motoring lanes will be adjusted to the minimum allowed width of 10 ft and bike lane width will be increased to meet regulatory standards. These changes will help control traffic speed, increase the marked distance between cars and bikes, and allow better maintenance of the bike lanes.
This project was informed by input from the 2018 Community Bike Survey, an Oakland Drive community design meeting in May 2019, Imagine Winchell neighborhood planning, and Safe Routes to School action planning. The Safe Routes to School Action Plan identified the pedestrian island at Maple Street as a way to help increase safety for students crossing Oakland Drive when walking to school. The need for increased bike lane width along Oakland Drive was identified in the 2018 Community Bike Survey, as well as at the Oakland Drive Design Meeting and in the draft Imagine Winchell Neighborhood Plan. Community members described the current bike lanes as too narrow and unsafe.
Oakland Drive Project Fact Sheet
Oakland Drive Project Highlights Map
James Baker, Director of Public Services
Water infrastructure improvements
Repave Oakland Drive
Improve nonmotorized transportation based on community input
Community input meeting on design
Lead Service Line Replacement
Safe Routes to School planning for Maple Middle and Winchell Elementary
Imagine Winchell Neighborhood Planning
Imagine Winchell Neighborhood Planning
Water Main Replacement
Repaving and nonmotorized improvements
Public Services, Community Planning & Economic Development
Strategic Vision, Master Plan, Draft Imagine Winchell Neighborhood Plan
Achieving complete streets, improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety, and replacing lead service lines to provide extra assurance that no lead can enter drinking water.
Connected City, Complete Neighborhoods, Inviting Public Places, Safe Community
65 service line replacements along Oakland
This project is funded by Federal Highway funds and the City of Kalamazoo’s Water and Streets funds.