A coordinated infrastructure project will get started in 2023 on Whites Road between Oakland Drive and Westnedge Avenue. This year (2023), water main will be replaced just east of the intersection of Parkview and Oakland Drive, between Oakland and Whites. This work will require a full closure of the work area on Parkview between Oakland Drive and Whites Road. The project is expected to begin mid-summer (2023) and last through the rest of construction season (Fall).
This work will prepare Whites Road for more extensive water main replacement and reconstruction in 2024 eastward to Westnedge Avenue. That project will also see Whites Road undergo a "road diet" and be converted to a three-lane configuration (one lane in each direction with a turn lane) to reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety. Bike lanes, sidewalk improvements, and the addition of bump outs near the Oakland Drive intersection near Woods Lake Elementary School are also planned on Whites Road in 2024.
Why the change in schedule?
The entire project between Oakland Drive and Westnedge Avenue was originally planned to occur in 2023, but continued supply chain disruptions have caused a significant amount of work to be delayed into next year. Traffic signal improvements are planned at every intersection in the full project area, and that work could happen in 2023 or 2024 depending on the availability of supplies.
Learn more about this project and others at:
The Federal Highway Administration states a “A classic Road Diet typically involves converting an existing four-lane, undivided roadway segment to a three-lane segment consisting of two through lanes and a center, two-way left-turn lane.”
Road Diet Case Studies (3 Michigan Case Studies included)
3 lane roads can handle the traffic volume of a 4 lane road and the addition of a separate, center turn lane can aid with traffic flow by eliminating the need for a travel lane to function as a turn lane.
The extra space afforded by reducing to 3 lanes provides opportunities for other facilities, like bike lanes, increasing non-motorized connectivity. In this case, connecting existing bike lanes on Parkview Avenue and Oakland Drive to Whites Road.
Emergency vehicle access should not change as, if needed, the center turn lane can be used in an emergency.
Videos linked to the buttons below go in greater detail into what a road diet is and what the benefits are.
The Whites Rd project is a coordinated effort including:
Reduction from 4 lanes to 3 lanes (one lane either direction with a center turn lane)
Right-sizing vehicle travel lanes to 10 - 11ft
Bike and Pedestrian Improvements
Intersection Improvements (ADA compliance, signal timing, pedestrian and bicyclist improvements, turning radius improvements)
and below ground work:
replace water main
improve stormwater management
Anthony Ladd, Assistant Director Public Works Division
George Warring, Senior Civil Engineer
Implement a road diet on Whites Road to align the street configuration with the street design manual and Complete Streets policy. It will be a coordinated infrastructure project including replacing water main, improving stormwater management, and reconstructing the street with a road diet, making the street three lanes: one lane in each direction with a center turn lane.
Fall 2022 – Community engagement and feedback on Whites Road and other projects will occur.
When: October 24th from 7 - 8:30pm
Where: Maple Street YMCA (1001 W Maple St) in the Community Room
2023 – .water main will be replaced just east of the intersection of Parkview and Oakland Drive, between Oakland and Whites
2024 - Road reconstruction and a Road Diet that will transition Whites from a four-lane street to a three-lane configuration (one lane in each direction with a turn lane) to reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety. Bike lanes, sidewalk improvements, and the addition of bump outs near the Oakland Drive intersection near Woods Lake Elementary School are also planned on Whites Road in 2024.
Public Services
Community Planning and Economic Development
Complete Streets Policy, Street Design Manual, Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 Master Plan
Whites road will be reconstructed to improve below ground utilities and implement a 4-to-3 lane road diet and the addition of bike lanes to be in-line with the Complete Street Policy and Street Design Manual as well as the neighborhood context creating a safer street for all users.
Connected City, Complete Neighborhoods,
This project is funded by the City's Water ($4.8 million) and Major Streets ($3.8 million) Funds, including federal support of nearly $1.7 million.
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