Name: Katie Reilly
Title: Neighborhood Activator
Department: Community Planning & Economic Development
How long have you lived in Kalamazoo?
I grew up in the Burke Acre Neighborhood of the City over by Nazareth Road. I recently moved back to take the Neighborhood Activator position in November, so almost a year back.
What is your favorite thing about Kalamazoo?
I like that Kalamazoo is a big, little city. It has great community and passionate residents that want to help make Kalamazoo the best place it can be.
What neighborhood do you live in?
I currently live just outside of City limits in Comstock.
What is your educational background/work experience?
I have a dual Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Global and International Studies from Western. Go Broncos! I also have a Master’s of Urban Planning from the University of Michigan. Before this position I worked for a state-wide nonprofit doing a whole bunch of stuff from nonprofit capacity building to economic and community development. I also interned with the City of Ann Arbor with the transportation planning department.
What projects are you working on that are related to Imagine Kalamazoo?
I am working with Kalamazoo’s 22 neighborhoods to create neighborhood plans. I have also done some work on the complete street policy and other transportation related projects.
List a few of your hobbies.
- Going to the Movies
- Random road trips around Michigan
- Crocheting and Knitting
What animal matches your personality and why?
Narwhal. It is the unicorn of the sea. I am realistic (narwhals are real) yet am not afraid to try something that may be out of the box (it is a giant dolphin with a unicorn horn).