The City of Kalamazoo will host a virtual town hall on Thursday, September 24, at 7p.m. to answer questions and discuss proposed updates to the zoning code downtown. The town hall will be streamed live to the City’s Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

Community members are invited to submit questions for discussion before the town hall by emailing, posting on the Facebook event page, or by calling 269-226-6573 and leaving a recording starting at 12p.m. on September 24. Questions can also be submitted by commenting on the live stream during the town hall.

The proposed updates would divide downtown from one large zoning district into three smaller and more focused districts based on community input received this summer. Multiple districts will allow for standards that support the right type and scale of development in each area while also being able to better link buildings and uses with streets and other public spaces. This update will also shift many of the Downtown Design Review Guidelines & Standards to the Zoning Code.

The goal of this project is to create a zoning code that is clear and easy to understand, creates predictable outcomes for development, and ultimately help to achieve the community’s vision for Downtown. The current zoning code was last updated in 2005. Since then the City has completed two Master Plans, including the most recent 2025 Master Plan that specifically calls for an update of the zoning code.

The proposal was developed based on community feedback received this summer through mapping activities and surveys. The Planning Commission will be reviewing the proposed zoning updates at their next meeting on October 1. Draft documents and additional information is available at