The next step in the process for the Downtown Zoning Code Update project will be Planning Commission review on Thursday, October 1. Project information including draft documents are available on the Imagine Kalamazoo project page.
Planning Commission on October 1
The Planning Commission will be reviewing the proposed zoning updates at their next meeting on Thursday, October 1 at or after 7 p.m. Due to COVID-19 this public meeting will be held electronically and streamed live on the City's Facebook page and YouTube Channel. Public comments can be made on October 1 between 6:30 p.m. and the end of the public comment period by calling (269) 226-6573 and leaving a recording.
Virtual Town Hall
In case you weren't able to join us virtually last Thursday for the Downtown Zoning Virtual Town Hall, a recording of the town hall and presentation slides, as well as a summary of questions and answers are available on the Imagine Kalamazoo project page.