Updated pavement markings and signage will right-size vehicle lanes, add bike lanes, and designate school pick up/drop off and non-parking areas
A project to improve safety and calm traffic on Winchell Avenue will start the week of October 18. New pavement markings and signage will be installed to encourage slower vehicle speeds and improve connectivity for non-motorized users.
Lane markings along the entire length of Winchell Avenue will be re-painted to set 11’ vehicle travel lanes, an appropriate size for this type of street. Bike lanes will be added in the left-over space on the street.
Currently, the vehicle lanes on Winchell Avenue are nearly 50% wider than necessary for the traffic volume and permitted speed. Wider vehicle lanes have been shown by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) to encourage higher vehicle speeds.
The project will also include new signage to clarify where loading and unloading of passengers (students) are allowed near Winchell Elementary and to mark areas with the bike lane as no parking areas.
Painting crews will re-stripe the lanes first, then install bicycle markings and signage. Each portion will be completed separately based on contractor schedules, but all three pieces will be completed in October. The street will remain open to traffic throughout the project.
The Oakland Drive/Winchell Neighborhood Plan set goals for improving non-motorized connectivity and traffic safety in the neighborhood with Winchell Avenue listed as a top priority for traffic calming. The goal of this project is to calm traffic and increase bicycle connectivity. This work is possible with funding from the Foundation for Excellence.