The City of Kalamazoo will host a virtual meeting on Monday, April 12, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss zoning updates and street improvements for the east end of Kalamazoo’s Northside neighborhood.
Residents can join the meeting via the Zoom link ( or by calling 269-552-6425 and entering Meeting ID 970 7130 1709. Community members are encouraged to ask questions and join the discussion during the meeting by raising their hand in Zoom or by pressing *9 to raise their hand if dialing in.
The meeting will focus on the east end of the Northside neighborhood, generally South of Paterson, West of Walbridge/Verburg Park, North of Frank, and East of Edwards.
City Planner, Christina Anderson, will discuss the existing zoning in the area, barriers the current zoning creates for rehabilitation and development, and how zoning updates could help to achieve the vision outlined in the Northside Neighborhood Plan. The discussion will also include a review of streets in the area to see where improvements might be needed and to help identify key intersections for pedestrians. Residents will have the opportunity to ask questions, provide input on zoning updates, and help to prioritize streets for improvements.
For more information on the zoning work underway in this area, visit: