The City of Kalamazoo is seeking applicants for the proposed Natural Features Protection (NFP) Review Board. This board is being created as part of the Natural Features Protection Overlay Ordinance.

NFP Review Board - Board Member Application

Return completed applications by May 3rd, 2019 to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall at 241 West South Street or by email at

Board Duties

The board will have the following duties.

  1. Review site plans on parcels in the NFP Overlay District to ensure that all requirements and standards have been met.

  2. Serve as an advisory group as the City conducts an analysis of natural features in the City of Kalamazoo.

  3. Serve as an advisory group as the City implements environmental stewardship activities in the City of Kalamazoo.


The City is seeking applicants with education or experience related to at least one of the following Natural Features, such that the following areas of knowledge are adequately represented by Board membership: Wetlands, Water Resources, Trees, Woodlands, Slope, and Natural Heritage Communities. The City is also seeking applicants with experience in construction and/or development, such as architects, engineers, landscape architects, surveyors, builders, real estate/development law.

Learn more about the Natural Features Protection Zoning Overlay Ordinance project here.