Name: Marcy Dix
Title: Grants Finance Officer
Department: Community Planning and Economic Development
How long have you lived in Kalamazoo?
It will be five years this summer.
What is your favorite thing about Kalamazoo?
I grew up in a very small town, so I enjoy that Kalamazoo has many more dining and entertainment options (and businesses open past 6:00 p.m.), but is still a close-knit community where I can run into neighbors and friends while I’m out and about.
What neighborhood do you live in?
Westnedge Hill
What is your educational background/work experience?
I have a Bachelor’s in Public Administration from Ferris State University and a Master’s in Public Administration from Western Michigan University with a concentration in Public Management.
Before I moved to Kalamazoo, I worked in the Newaygo County Administration Office for ten years, first as a receptionist, then in HR, and finally in grants management/finance. My experience with the county showed me how much I love working in local government.
What projects are you working on that are related to Imagine Kalamazoo?
For right now, I’m supporting Planning and Community Incentive staff members in their new projects, helping with budget management and project implementation.
List a few of your hobbies.
Reading – I like a variety of fiction with the occasional true crime or social science nonfiction read
Baking – this year I’m trying to improve my bread skills, but I still love pie, cheesecake, and cookies
Camping – preferably in a tent and preferably by the water
What animal matches your personality and why?
Inspired by my own pets, I’d be a cat. Both of my cats was a stray that found its way to a friendly house and worked its way into a very relaxing life. You can’t always see the effort cats are putting in, but they always seem to achieve their goals.