Name: Jamie McCarthy
Title: Development Project Coordinator
Department: Community Planning & Economic Development
How long have you lived in Kalamazoo?
I moved to Kalamazoo 12 years ago for a job and to be closer to family.
What is your favorite thing about Kalamazoo?
I love that people in Kalamazoo are open to try new things, especially big, bold things! Since moving here I’ve watched Kalamazoo embrace one bold idea after another.
What neighborhood do you live in?
When I moved to Kalamazoo in 2007 I bought a charming house in Milwood. Now I live in a quaint fixer-upper in Portage.
What is your educational background/work experience?
I have a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Natural Resource Management. In the past I worked in the private sector and for a local not-for-profit organization doing watershed planning and project management.
What projects are you working on that are related to Imagine Kalamazoo?
I’m working on projects related to our goal of Environmental Responsibility. This includes things like a Natural Features Protection Overlay, the Sustainability Plan, and projects with the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority aimed at cleaning up contamination and getting properties back to active use.
List a few of your hobbies.
Hiking and biking
Home improvements
What animal matches your personality and why?
A turtle. Once I pick a direction, I’m steadfast in meeting my goals. When things get hectic I’m likely to retreat into my shell. And I definitely believe in the old adage that slow and steady wins the race!