
The next opportunity to get involved in the Street Design Project is by participating in Walking Audits this fall. A walking audit is an assessment of the walkability or pedestrian access of a place. Walking audits are often done in areas to consider and promote the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists as a form of transport.

When completing a walking audit, community members will be asked to rank the safety, accessibility, appearance, and connectivity of the route on a scale of 1 to 5. Participants will also be asked to identify spots that stood out to them, good or bad, and are encouraged to take pictures of those areas.


Eleven walking audit routes were mapped based on input from residents at the streets design kick-off meeting in August. Each route takes about an hour or less to walk.

Route 1, Route 2, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Route 7, Route 8, Route 9, Route 10, Route 11,

Guided Walking Audits

Guided walking audits, led by members of the Complete Streets Advisory Committee, will take place on Wednesdays in September and October. A list of times and dates for guided walking audits is available on the calendar below.

If you would like to print the Walking Audit Survey ahead of time to bring to the Guided Walking Audits, you can find a print version of the survey here.

Walking Audit Survey

Community members can also complete walking audits on their own or with a group of friends. To participate, residents can walk one of the routes and then fill out the Walking Audit Survey. The deadline for submitting walking audit input is Wednesday, October 16.

Next Steps

Input from these walking audits will be used during the hands on streets design workshop on Wednesday, October 23 which will be held at 6:30 p.m. at The Foundry (600 E Michigan Ave.). The workshop will begin with a presentation at 6:30 p.m., followed by an open house. For more information on this project visit the project page here.