Name: Stephanie Evergreen
What is your job/occupation?
I am a data design consultant. I teach people how to present their data in reports, slideshows, and dashboards in a way that others can understand. My office is on the third floor of my house, so you can say I live and work in the Vine.
What is your favorite spot in Vine?
Hard to pick just one. It's a tie between one of the window seats up in Crows Nest, dinner on the patio at Cosmo's, and the Crosstown ponds in the late spring when the goslings and ducklings are waddling across the street. Can I also add in my own yard? My yard is beautiful. And the view from Davis Hill? And the path up to the top of Davis Hill with wild raspberry bushes? And a beer at the bar at ODuffys? And the house on Park and Vine with a rose garden in front? And the new Ace Hardware? And... I could keep going because this neighborhood is so rad.
What is your favorite thing about Vine?
The people! Vine is awesome because you can take a nice walk and run into so many people, working in their yards or hanging on their porch, who are up for a friendly conversation. In fact, it's part of what makes yard work at my house a fun event - people just strolling by smile and chat. There's also so much history in this area. I researched the history of my house, using the documentation at the Local History Room at the library and found out so much interesting information. It was awesome to see the women who lived in this house begin to have jobs. And to see them evolve from assistant to assistant accountant to head accountant over the years. I've named my house after one of the coolest inhabitants - Catherine Curry. Each house down here has a story.
How long have you lived in Vine?
Since my college years. I can see my old apartment from my current house. I rented in a few different spots in Vine over the years and knew when it came time to buy, I would buy in this neighborhood. Sean McCann (past member of the Michigan House of Representatives and now running for State Senate) was one of my landlords once and he shook hands with Barack Obama so now I have just two degrees of separation.
List a few of your hobbies.
Home improvement - Living in a home built in 1914 means I have a never-ending list of improvement projects. This year I am repainting my wood trim.
Exercise & yoga - Another reason I love living in Vine: it's a short jaunt to the YMCA and to downtown yoga studios.
Hosting parties - I am lucky enough to have a large yard downtown, so I like to host outdoor parties for friends.
What animal matches your personality and why?
I'm going to go with the heron that often visits Crosstown ponds, for no particular reason other than when I see it, it makes me happy.